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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Living with CP: the early years part 29,

Hello everyone.  I hope you all are having a great afternoon today. In today's entry I'm going to tell you about two special people that have helped make sure of two important things, both when I was young and to this day.  One being that I had the right wheelchair and the other being that I was sitting correctly in the chair.  I will be  jumping around a little as far as my timeline goes so bear with me.  Lets get started. 

You might be thinking I could just go out and buy any electric wheelchair and sit down in it, and I'm ready to go right?  Wrong!  Since I'm on Medicare and Medicaid, I'm only eligible for a new chair every five years.  Not every wheelchair company works with Medicare and Medicaid. Before you can get a chair they have to approve everything before they will pay for it. 

This is why I have used ATG Rehab all my life to get my chairs.  When I was about 14 and a half, I moved in with my grandma and grandpa. At that time I was falling over in my chair and had saliva falling out of my mouth.  My grandma knew we had to do something because I could not do anything.  She spent about a week on the phone calling all around and we found a doctor that specialized in Cerebral Palsy.  The problem with the doctor was that she only came to town once every three months for 2-3 days from Wheeling, WV. When my grandma called to make the appointment they said they were booked up for a year.  My grandma started crying on the phone and the lady said come on in.  This was at the former St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Dayton and the doctor's name is Ellen Kitts.

My grandma also knew that she would probably want some major adjustments on my chair and I had one guy down at ATG Rehab that did all the work on my chair named Steve.  That day of the appointment he cleared his schedule so he could go with us to the doctor that day. 

In my next entry I’ll let you know what happened when we got to see Dr. Kitts.

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