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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Living with CP: the early years part 20.

Wheelchair Basketball.
Hello everyone.  I hope you all had a great weekend. I had to referee one of my group’s wheelchair basketball games.  I’ll write more about this group in later entries. Now let's get started with today's entry. 

Once my mother was able to get me on the school bus that day after I stopped crying and I got to school, it ended up being one of the best days of my early life.  When we all got to school, there were people that came out to help everyone get off the buses and go inside the school.  Let me give everyone a little background information first. 

Gorman School. Dayton, Ohio. 

As I previously said this was a special school just for handicapped kids. We had kids in manual wheelchairs like me at the time, walkers, electric wheelchairs, and kids that had to wear a helmet in case they fell.  Because of all this, every classroom had an aide to help the kids and the teachers. We even had people that would help with personal needs like eating or even restroom help if needed

What I looked like.
I have one last story today. This is back when I was about 8 years.  My mother along with the doctors at Children's Medical Center had decided to do an operation on me to stretch my heal-cords and hamstrings.  When I was young this was a routine operation with kids with Cerebral Palsy. If I remember correctly, I was in the hospital about a week.  I was in a full cast up to my waist for 4-6 weeks. 

In my next entry, I’ll have more stories about school and I’ll tell you what happened when I came home from the hospital after surgery.  Have a great day, everyone!

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